Hello, I’m a Sr Web Developer

“The art of debugging is figuring out what you really told your program to do rather than what you thought you told it to do.

Sometimes bugs work as an added feature to the clients website, and the one who boosts can cling to the same corporate.. haha 🙂 “

Happy Hacking… 🙂

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: not selector CSS

Select all elements of a given class, except for a particular Id Eg: If there is a class with name “entry-content” for every pages. And…

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CSS-Overflow hidden not working for absolutely positioned elements

Adding the parent element with position:relative; solves the problem. <html> <head> <title>project</title> </head> <body> div id=”wrapper”> div id=”content”> img src=”image.jpg” width=”1400″ height=”1200″ /> /div> /div>…

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About Me

Hi, I embarked on my career at SPACE (Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment ) as web developer. In these days of my journey as a developer, I have encountered a plethora of bugs, warnings and solutions .To take full advantage of any technologies,you need to know how to use them. This is an attempt  to share what I have gone through while building up my career. I will be really happy, if this blog helps someone preparing to start the journey in this area.

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